Have you ever wanted to make a difference to the lives and welfare of New Zealand’s Animals? SPCA is seeking up to three new Board Members to join our five current members as part of our structured succession and Board Member rotation schedule.
About SPCA
SPCA is one of the best loved and most respected charities in New Zealand, with a proud history of helping animals in need and advocating for animal welfare for over 150 years. For more information on the organisation, please visit: https://www.spca.nz/
SPCA has powerful brand, salience, a deep heritage and an invigorated future. Animal welfare does matter and New Zealand has the ability to lead the way internationally on improving the lives of all animals.
SPCA values the importance of diversity and inclusion and is an equal opportunities employer. We encourage and welcome applications from people from all backgrounds.
About you
To join our Board you must have a natural affinity for animals and a passion for being their voice.
We are seeking up to three new Board Members with balance of governance experience and relevant skills to assist and add value to the SPCA’s journey. The Boards focus for the next three-to-five years in addition to our strategic animal welfare initiatives include financial & environmental sustainability, a new animal shelter to service Auckland, cultural transformation with a focus on our people (staff and volunteers), investment in systems & processes, and ensuring that SPCA is fit-for-purpose following legislative changes for incorporated societies.
Specifically, we are seeking people who are able to demonstrate:
• Leadership and strategic thinking.
• Commercial, financial knowledge, experience and capability
• Experience in large-scale capital projects would be advantageous but not essential.
• Cultural and Systems Transformation.
• Social Impact and Sustainability.
Your business or personal networks may help us to expand our engagement and fundraising strategies, as well as thinking big on social enterprise.
About the Role
The SPCA Board currently meets bi-monthly in Auckland and via MS Teams as required. Subcommittees of the Board include Animal Welfare, Audit & Risk, People & Culture, Property, and we have two subsidiarity companies for our OpShop network and managed investments.
Board Members are appointed for a term of three years, and our Constitution provides for the Board to invite Board Members to serve a second term. The role offers flexibility, as Board Members can be located anywhere in New Zealand. As a guide, we expect an average time commitment of one-to-three days each month. Board members are not remunerated, however travel expenses to attend Board meetings are reimbursed.
We anticipate the role starting with an induction in late April and the first Board meeting in May 2025.
Appointments to the SPCA Board are made by a Board Appointments Panel, consisting of two current servicing SPCA Board Members and two independent Panel members.
It is anticipated that interviews will take place in Auckland or via MS TEAMS in late March.
Applications close on Friday 11th April 2025.